No. 412

Place of origin: Artigas – Uruguay

Geological period: Cretaceous

Age: 120-140 million years old

Height (Including Stand): 30cm

Dimensions: H 23cm x W 16cm x D 10cm
An exquisite black amethyst druze cluster with polished stalactite. Rare and notoriously difficult to find, this stunning and unique black amethyst druze, is known as Black “galaxy” Amethyst to collectors. The unique black colour requires a very particular environment to occur, including hematite inclusions and a higher iron content inside the crystalline matrix. To further add to its beauty, this piece also has a multiple small stalactites and is overlaid with white quartz to create a beautiful sparkle. The edges of the natural sculpture have been polished and reveal grey agate, intense dark brown agate, white quartz and some glimpses of green celadonite. The back of the piece maintains its rough basalt condition. This stunning sculpture is very decorative due to its colour and size, and is displayed on a custom metal stand.

